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In support of Fire Aware

Fire Aware affiliates (aFA)

Those listed below have joined the Fire Aware affiliate scheme to show their support for the Fire Aware organisation, and to identify their own personal belief that responsibility and moral accountability within the design, delivery and management of fire safety must improve. The Fire Aware affiliate recognises the requirement for cultural change in the fire industry and is supportive of the Fire Aware organisations ambitions to affect positive change.

  • Adrian Aynsley MSc PGCE AIFSM aFA
  • Brett Norris aFA
  • Bryony Matthews aFA
  • Dale Fisher aFA Dale Fisher aFA MIHEEM MIET MSOE
  • David Lyons aFA
  • Deane Sales BEng (Hons), MIET, MIFSM, AMIFPO, AIFireE aFA Amthal Fire & Security
  • Hassan Ahmed ACIAT aFA
  • Anthony Nixon BSc aFA AFN Industrial Service Ltd
  • Andrew Nash aFA
  • Jim Hansford aFA Considered Solutions Ltd
  • Jose Reyes aFA Vent Tech Limited
  • Loren Hughes aFA L H Fire Ltd
  • Richard Miller aFA
  • Summer Boulter CTSP aFA