JAS Associates Ltd join Fire Aware!
Surrey based consultant specialising in Fire safety and their associated management systems. Have worked with multiple companies to help them achieve BAFE or IFCC certification in their chosen discipline.
Experience in the following Schemes SP203-1 (Fire Detection and Alarms), SP203-4 (Emergency Lighting), SP101 (Portable Fire Extinguishers), SP207 (Evacuation Alert Systems), SP205 (Fire Risk Assessment), SP105 (Dry and Wet Risers) and IFC SDI19 (Smoke Ventilation Systems).
We don’t provide you with templates and send you on your way! Our qualified, experienced consultants tailor your management systems to suit your business ensuring the highest standard of compliance and guidance is delivered.
JAS Associates
For more details on this progressive company please see the Fire Aware members page or direct contact details below :
Email bill@jasassociates.co.uk
Call 07943053069
Visit www.jasassociates.co.uk